Video Game Design (Digital Illustration)
Cerritos HS
Video Game Development
(Visual Communication and Entertainment Design)
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide basic instruction and principles of video game development. Topics of instruction include: theoretical basis for video game design, visual communication skills, character design, animal drawing, figure drawing, environment design, vehicle design, weapon design, digital painting, and 3D modeling / texturing concept using industry specific software. When designing for clients, concept artists and production designers must utilize techniques which are efficient, clean and clear. The main focus of this course is to apply basic fundamental skills such as perspective, reflections, shadow plotting, and marker rendering to designs geared toward the entertainment industry. Students will learn from in-class drawing demos and lectures. These courses will teach students the process of designing for the entertainment industry. Whether it's films, video games, 3D rides, animations, theme parks, or any other entertainment-related field, the fundamental design process remains the same. Students learn from in-class drawing demos, lectures and assigned projects. From initial ideations to the final renderings, the entire design process is explained and shown in detail. Students will be given a unique theme from which to draw their inspiration. From landscapes and architecture to vehicles, characters and creatures, students will be asked to re-design worlds derived from popular books, films and games.
Required Texts: (text will be provided in class)
Vilppu Drawing Manual by Glenn V. Vilppu (Perfect Paperback - Mar 1, 2007)
1 Used & new from $39.95
The Weatherly Guide to Drawing Animals by Joe Weatherly (Paperback - April 2003)
Buy new: $24.99
Goals and Objectives
By completing this course you will:
1. Be granted increased independence in your working methods in an effort to prepare you for college level or industry studio courses.
2. Be granted increased freedom in making decisions about appropriate media and solutions for your ideas.
3. Be guided through a process of arriving at solutions for technical problems.
4. Meet higher expectations and increased emphasis on a more refined presentation of final projects.
5. You will apply design solutions in both two and three dimensions.
6. Make decisions about appropriate media for the realization of your ideas.
7. Apply and be able to identify appropriate theory and formal concepts.
8. Develop an awareness of the influences of design on the culture and fine art.
9. Be introduced to the ways in which the elements of design translate into non-formal issues such as content and subject matter.
10. Work, think, write and speak critically and fluently.
11. Be able to use design vocabulary terms accurately and in context.
Course Requirements
We will approach our study of design by focusing on concept units. By isolating the elements of design, we can better understand ways to employ those elements for expressive purposes. In order to examine each concept, you will do the following:
Sketchbook projects: Your studio instructor will assign a series of short problems for you to do in your sketchbook. The sketchbook is intended to provide you with opportunities to experiment with different approaches and solutions. You will turn your sketchbook in for review at the end of each unit.
Finished project for critique: In addition to sketchbook exercises, you will be asked to complete a finished piece which will be critiqued with the rest of your class.
Finished projects will give you an opportunity to apply what you have learned from the unit.
Test and quizzes: There will be no formal tests or quizzes during the semester. However, there will be a portfolio reviews and critiques after each unit.
Grading and Evaluation
Sketchbook projects 100 points. There will be 10 sketchbook assignments worth 10 points each and 5 Critique Projects worth 100 points. There will be 5 finished project assignments worth 20 points each. There will also be various opportunities for extra credit points.
Total 200 points
A: 200 - 180 points
B: 180 - 160 points
C: 160 - 140 points
D: 140 - 120 points
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period. Success in a studio art class is dependent upon the student’s participation in the studio activities and interaction with other students. Skill and knowledge is acquired as much by doing and participating as it is by reading and responding. This cannot occur if a student is not in class. Therefore, four unexcused absences will result in the lowering of a full letter grade at the end of the semester. Frequent absence and/or tardiness will result in the failure of the course.
At the end of each assignment, we will discuss student work as a group. Despite the title, critique sessions are not intended to be forums for demeaning criticism. They are instead focused opportunities to share assistance, verbalize intentions and to assist students in their development. Critiques in a studio class take the place of exams and quizzes in a lecture course. Attendance is critical and required. Not only are no make ups allowed, they are not possible. A successful critique is a participatory experience, not a solo enterprise.
Basic Materials List
You may need to by additional materials for specific projects. Individual needs may vary.
*Variety of drawing pencils or pens -Required
Art gum eraser, kneaded eraser
Black fine tip marker
Straight edge (ruler or square)
*Sketch book - Required
Art supply box
*Flash or USB Drive (1 GB minimum) - Required
There is no Final Exam. The Final Exam may be a critique of final project and may be held before the Final Exams at the regularly scheduled class time.
The computers should be only used for class related projects.
Leave all settings as is.
Respect all other artists and their work.
Keep messy foods in the cafeteria, water in appropriate areas.
(Keep only bottled water with lids)
Clean up afterwards such as food and trash
Positively use the time, abilities, and technology you have been blessed with.