"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream." Vincent Van Gogh
Fine Art Studio 1-2
COURSE OBJECTIVES: This is an introductory course to the visual arts. The content covers a variety of concepts and drawing media, painting and color theory, three-dimensional design, typography, and techniques in perspective. Students learn about art history and visual art careers. This course is a prerequisite course for advanced art classes.
Learn Elements of Art and Principles of Design Introduce the technique and fundamental skills in drawing and painting Explore arts in various times and cultures Participate in assigned reading and written assignments All lessons will be taught in accordance to the California Content Standards, focusing on artistic perception (1.0), creative expression (2.0), historical and cultural context (3.0), aesthetic valuing (4.0) and connections, relationships, and applications (5.0).
RESPECT – We will treat each person with respect and dignity. This includes listen attentively when the teacher or other students are talking, speaking kindly to others, no unwanted physical contact with persons or their possessions and respect for the art supplies. PREPARE – Come to class prepared to LEARN. This includes bringing proper materials to class, being in your assigned seat when the bell rings and knowledge of the Art class policy and classroom procedures. RESPONSIBLE – Use classroom and personal items appropriately. This includes the use of art supplies and other tools safely, taking good care of materials and using them properly, not wasting supplies or TIME and placing items back where they belong. PARTICIPATE – Be an active participant in class. This includes attitude, staying on task, cleaning up duties and contributing to discussions, critiques and learning.
If you choose to break a rule First Time: Warning Second Time: Documentation and loss of participation points and/or class privileges. Seat change. Third Time: Action Plan and Parental Contact Fourth Time: Referral written and student sent to office.
Severe Disruptions: Student sent immediately to the office.
If you choose to follow the rules Praise, positive notes or positive calls home (random) Extra credit opportunities (quarterly) Various other positive perks (throughout the school year) The joy of learning and creating (everyday of the school year)
ATTENDANCE/TARDY POLICY: Students are expected to be in their assigned seat with the appropriate materials when the tardy bell rings. If the student is not in his/her assigned seat, he/she will be marked tardy. All absences must be cleared through the office. Refer to the classroom procedures handout for further information and explanation.
MATERIALS: Most of the art supplies will be provided; however, you are welcome to bring your own art supplies.
GRADING: The following will determine your grade for this class: Attendance / Tardies and Participation 20% Class Art Projects 40% Critiques (verbal & written) 10% Sketchbook (notes, thumbnails, sketches, vocab/definitions, quizzes) 20% Final Project 10%
MAKE-UP WORK: Students have one week from the day they return from an excused absence to make up any work. No make-up work will be accepted after the one week period. Students can refer to the assignments posted in the classroom for work missed. Students will copy notes of work missed from a classmate and/or complete the assigned lesson or activity. The student is responsible for finding out any missed work information. Refer to classroom procedures and ask peers for further explanation.
HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL: Always follow class rules and policies. Be a prepared and active participant in class. Complete each assignment and project to the best of your ability. Use knowledge acquired on earlier assignments to improve quality of later assignments. Be a student who watches the teacher.
Asks questions
Nods head acknowledging they are listening
Tries to dig deeper into the subject
Succeeds with practice!
To learn!!
Keep this syllabus & ALL papers from this class in your Sketchbook the entire year!
Print:_____________________________(Student’s Name) Print:_____________________________(Parent/Guardian’s Name) Phone Number (___)_____________ (___)_____________ E-mail (optional)__________________________________ I have read and understand the course outline for Art 1-2. ___________________________ ________________ Student Signature Date ___________________________ ________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Please feel free to write down any comments, concerns or questions below: